State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo


California authorized:

  • A cradle-to-career, consumer-facing longitudinal data system. A diverse group of community leaders, educators, and researchers is developing the data infrastructure.⁷⁰

  • Community colleges to include prison course costs in their standard budgets and use the universal fee waiver.⁸⁸ The participation and performance of incarcerated students are strong. This is a critical strategy, because 28.5% of the state’s male incarcerated individuals are African American.⁸⁹

Sacramento, California

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Washington has:

  • A need-based grant entitlement program that covers short-term credentials and degrees, serves low- and middle income students, and provides generous award amounts.⁶⁴

  • Invested $22 million to create community partnerships supporting underrepresented students to expand enrollment and credential completion.73 In addition, the state established a permanent legislative committee the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee to recommend strategies to state education agencies and develop policy reforms.⁷⁴

  • Enacted legislation creating a permanent faculty professional development program focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism. In addition, the Washington community college system created a college faculty consortium that is working to change teaching and writing assessments to be free of negative racial biases.⁹⁸

  • A large technology employers that supported a tax for businesses that rely on employees with advanced degrees to partially fund the statewide guaranteed financial aid program.¹⁴⁸

Olympia, Washington

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State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo

New Jersey

New Jersey has:

  • Created an online navigation tool to connect college students to basic needs resources.

  • Enacted legislation to protect students from tuition increases deemed unreasonably high, based on anticipated wages and the ability to repay. Agencies are required to develop minimum performance standards for short term career programs.⁷¹

Trenton, New Jersey

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Higher Education Institutions Beatriz Caraballo Higher Education Institutions Beatriz Caraballo

California State University

California State University created a strategic workgroup charged with developing recommendations to advance the university system as a nationwide leader in Black student outreach, recruitment, enrollment, and success. This work provided strategic direction and integrated Black student success with the established Graduation Initiative 2025 goals.²⁴

Long Beach, California

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