State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo

Public university systems

Public university systems are collaborating to improve credential completion and social mobility by addressing several key imperatives, including equity and learning. The initiative is seeking to shift to a student-centric focus and share ways to teach students by recognizing individual learning and social-emotional needs and advancing equity in academic and experiential curricula.⁹⁹

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State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo State Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo

Twelve states

Twelve states across the nation, from nearly all regions and regardless of political party control, have enacted FAFSA completion policies to require or encourage high school seniors to file the form.⁶⁰ Most states have developed a multipronged effort with statewide outreach, student support, K−12 training, data sharing, and highlighted best practices.

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Community & Business Leaders Beatriz Caraballo Community & Business Leaders Beatriz Caraballo

California Funders for Boys and Men of Color

California Funders for Boys and Men of Coloraligns leading philanthropic entities with the goal of improving opportunities for Black, Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American young men in the San Francisco and Los Angeles communities. The network offers programming and legislative advocacy to remove structural barriers.¹⁷¹

Sacramento, California

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Community & Business Leaders Beatriz Caraballo Community & Business Leaders Beatriz Caraballo

Take Off: Institutional Innovations for College Men of Color

Take Off: Institutional Innovations for College Men of Color is a project of the University of Southern California’s Race and Equity Center. The philanthropic-supported project supports 12 community colleges nationwide to bolster initiatives advancing the success of Black learners and men of color.¹⁷⁰

Los Angeles, California

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Community & Business Leaders Beatriz Caraballo Community & Business Leaders Beatriz Caraballo

Regional partnerships in the Seattle area

Regional partnerships in the Seattle area focus on advancing Black learner success through data-driven strategies and support from middle school through postsecondary education. In the same region, a Black and Brown Summit, sponsored by community partners, is an annual event designed to empower and motivate Black and Brown young men in high school to excel in academics and strive for excellence.¹⁶⁸

Seattle, Washington

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Federal Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo Federal Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo

The National Endowment for the Humanities

The National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency, supports professional development institutes for higher education faculty. The convenings support higher education faculty from across the nation to deepen their understanding of significant topics and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching.¹³⁶

Washington, D.C

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Federal Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo Federal Policymakers Beatriz Caraballo

The Child Care Access Means Parents in School program

The Child Care Access Means Parents in School program helped 3,300 student parents pay for child care with payments of $385 per month on average. Appropriations for the program have increased from $15 million in FY 2017 to $75 million in FY 2023. In FY 2022, 300 new institutions were awarded $150,000 per year on average.¹³²

Washington, D.C

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